#like it's fine to be attracted to multiple people
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intersexwiki · 15 hours ago
For archival purposes, the content under the cut follows:
Anon, that’s always been something that’s bothered me too.Like. Not even just people we’d typically consider REGs - like aspecexclusionists, multispec exclusionists, nonbinary exclusionists, transexclusionists, truscum, TERFs, etc. - do this, but people who would considerthemselves to be against gatekeeping also do too.
Especially when you consider just how much of the polyamcommunity is queer beyond their being polyamorous, and also consider the amountof shared history between polyamory and queerness (because when you see theformer you almost always see the latter as well - in terms of individuals andgroups/collectives), the amount of using “including polyamory” as a slipperyslope argument, as well as just the general disdain for “including polyamory”is... sketchy at best to me.
I guess it comes down to what we think the LGBTQ+ and queercommunities are as a whole. How do we define those? And with that definition,where do we put things like polyamory? And are we defining things well ifgroups with a lot of shared history and a lot of overlap in issues areexcluded?
Let’s take a look at some definitions of what exactly theLGBTQ+ community is and how those boundaries are put up, starting with theleast inclusive I’m willing to deal with and going from there:
1. The popular aphobic REG definition:
The LGBT community is for combating homophobia andtransphobia. Therefore, the LGBT community is for people who experiencehomophobia and transphobia.
I take huge issue with this, because I think that multispecantagonism has a lot of difference from homophobia and cannot be grouped as a“subset” of homophobia. There are issues that have to do specifically beingattracted to multiple genders - regardless of if the individual experiencesattraction to the same gender or not. The same goes for exorsexism being itsown separate issue and not a “subset” of transphobia, because of, for example,our genders being completely erased and believed to not exist at all.
Then, there’s the issues related to orientation beingexcluded entirely, such as aphobia, and the issues related to sex and genderbeing excluded entirely, such as perisexism.
Under this definition, only lesbians, gay people, bi people(with the caveat of bisexuality requiring attraction to the same gender, if notyou’re not bi, even if you’re nonbinary and (potentially) included because ofthat, because it’s totally fine to erase orientations if you include forsomething else???), and trans people (with, being completely generous and notincluding truscum or exorsexist beliefs on top of this, the caveat that ifyou’re nonbinary you must consider yourself trans) are part of the community.
While I despise this definition entirely, I do get thatthose who do favour it are exclusionary of polyamory as being a qualifier asbeing part of the community... because they’re exclusionary of quite a lot ofthings.
2. The one that essentially “MOGA”:
The LGBT+ community is a community for people ofmarginalized orientations and gender alignments/identities.
Basically, this boils down to... Having an orientation thatis not straight (and regarding split attraction, having at least oneorientation that is not straight) qualifies you for being part of the LGBTQ+community because you have an orientation that is marginalized. Also, having agender that is different from the gender you were assigned at birth qualifies youfor being in the LGBTQ+ community because you have a gender alignment/identitythat is marginalized.
This is better, but it still excludes issues surroundingperisexism. There are other issues I have with this one, but they’re alsoissues I have with the next definition, so I’ll leave this and move onto...
3. IMOGA, MOGAI, or just typical unnamed inclusionism:
The LGBT+ community is a community for people ofmarginalized orientations and gender alignments/identities, AND because ofshared history and issues, also people who are intersex if they feel as thoughthey want to be part of our community.
Essentially, this is the above, but includes issuessurrounding perisexism, and therefore includes intersex people if they feelthat they want to be part of the LGBTQ+ community specifically because of theirbeing intersex.
This seems to be where a lot of inclusionists sit in termsof their definition for the community. And this set of beliefs is conducive tothe exclusion of things like polyamory, even though there are shared issuesbetween these two communities - like the given example of marriage equality.You might get a, “they’re separate but related communities,” when you bringthis up. That reads... similarly to, “aspec people should have their own communityseparate from the LGBT community,” to me. I suppose you could justify that,because polyamory isn’t an orientation and so it’s different. But I still takeissue with that.
For me, the big issue here is that in all of this discussionpeople have pointed out, time and time again, usually related to argumentsagainst the use of “queer community,” that the LGBTQ+ community is a coalitionof the lesbian community, the gay community, the bi community, the transcommunity, the queer community, and so on. And so... why are we drawing theborders here - at orientations and gender alignments/identities that aremarginalized... oh, plus intersex people because of shared history and issuesstopping there in terms of shared history and issues? Which brings me to...
4. The definition I subscribe to:
The LGBT+ community is for combating pericishetero-society.Therefore, the LGBT+ community is a community consisting of many differentaligned groups or smaller communities that all differ frompericisheteronormativity, which individuals can choose to opt in or out of.
Same deal, where the LGBTQ+ community is a coalition betweenmany interconnected communities, linked together by differing frompericisheteronormativity.
And that covers... a lot.
Perinormativity: the assumption that everyone falls withintwo distinct categories biologically of “male” and “female” with all of sexchromosomes, gonads and other genitalia, and hormones being aligned from birthwith one of those categories.
Cisnormativity: the assumption that everyone identifies withthe gender that they were assigned at birth, and by extension, that there areonly the two binary genders of man and woman, and that people will present insuch a way as people can know which of the two binary genders you are.
Heteronormativity: the assumption that everyone is attractedto the opposite binary gender, and by extension, that they are only attractedto one gender, experience that attraction as both romantic and sexually, andexperience it regularly as part of day-to-day life, that there is a goal as theresult of this attraction to be in a romantic and sexual relationship thatlooks and works a certain way with a single individual.
Basically, besides perinormativity targeting prettyexclusively intersex people, cisnormativity doesn’t just target trans peopleand heteronormativity doesn’t just target gay people.
Cisnormativity’s primary target may be trans people, but italso harms nonbinary people regardless of if they consider themselves to betrans, and people who are GNC.
Heteronormativity’s primary target my be gay people, but italso harms multispec people regardless of if they are attracted to the samegender, aspec people regardless of other orientations they may have, polyamorouspeople, and - *gasp* - kinky people - how dare I!?
So yes, my view of the LGBTQ+ community is that it includespeople that tend to be not included by people who consider themselvesinclusionists. It includes people who are cis but are GNC. It includespolyamorous people, even if they’re cis and het with no split attraction. Itincludes kinky people, even if they’re cis and het with no split attraction.
Stay with me. I know this sounds out there but hang on.
It includes these groups because they directly opposepericisheteronormativity.
But that doesn’t mean I think cis people belong in transspaces and can speak on trans issues just because they’re GNC. And that doesn’tmean I think het people can belong in spaces for people of marginalized orientationsor can speak on issues surrounding marginalized orientations just becausethey’re polyam or kinky. Just as aspec people shouldn’t speak on issues aboutbeing gay or trans (if they’re not also gay or trans, that is), for example.
A coalition of many smaller communities.
Sure, we could say that the polyam community is separate butadjacent to the LGBTQ+ community since they do share a history and some of thesame issues. But why if we’re also including being intersex as part of thelarger LGBTQ+ community because of a shared history and shared issues (whichI’m 100% supportive of, by the way, as long as they would like to be included)should we exclude these other adjacent groups as being entirely separate? Whycan’t they exist within the larger umbrella of the LGBTQ+ community?
And really, quite often, they actually do exist within thelarger umbrella of the LGBTQ+ community. For example, my campus has a kinkcollection as part of our LGBTQ+ library. And this, as far as I know, is pretty commonplace. Because of a hugeshared history. Pride parades quite often have some form of kink pride - hell,there’s even a leather flag. Same goes for polyamory. And gender non-conformityhas similar connections.
There’s one part of the above definition I haven’t reallytouched on yet - besides for intersex people - and that’s the “whichindividuals can choose to opt in or out of.” That part is important. Not justin terms of the inclusion of intersex in the community because there are someintersex people who do not feel that being intersex makes them part of theLGBTQ+ community, but also in terms of, well, removing the boogeymen, so tospeak.
Being LGBTQ+, as much as so many people in the communityseem to be trying to say otherwise (only when it suits them, mind you) is thatthere are people who don’t belong who want to invade. The Straights will callthemselves trans, or nonbinary, or bi, or pan, or ace, or whatever just becauseit’s “trendy” to be LGBTQ+. And. Just. What???
It’s even more odd when you consider the whole “only when itsuits them” part. Because other times The Straights actually despise us and useour terms derogatorily. And... that doesn’t line up. If it were “cool” or“trendy” to be LGBTQ+, why would queer still be used as a slur? Why would “gay”have become a synonym for other derogatory terms like “stupid”? Why would “nohomo” have been such a huge thing?
Straight people, people who conform topericisheteronormativity, want to distance themselves from us at all costs. Tothe point of going way out of their way to be sure that people know they’rejust our allies and not one of us because they don’t want to be seen asactually one of us.
So those “straight frat boys who use aromanticism as anexcuse to fuck tons of women and then ghosts them all,” and “straight men whouse polyamory as an excuse to cheat on their girlfriends,” and “straight menwho have five girlfriends who all aren’t allowed to have other boyfriends,” and“straight men who get off on hurting their girlfriends,” and “cishet men whosometimes wear eyeliner,” aren’t going to call themselves LGBTQ+. Because theydon’t want to be one of us.
Sure, there will be het-attracted aspecs who are part of thecommunity, and straight polyamorous people who are part of the community, andstraight kinky people who are part of the community. But they’re the ones whodon’t conform to pericisheteronormativity. They’re the ones interested indismantling those systems. And hell yes I think that they’re just as deservingof a spot in the larger community discussions on how to accomplish that.
Anyway, that’s my position on the whole thing. Please directyour angry comments about how “wanting to hit your partner isn’t LGBT” or“wanting to fuck multiple people isn’t LGBT” to my ask box where they will doabsolutely nothing to change my mind or my position on the matter and will onlybe answered specifically in a nice tone if you want to pay me $20 to put inthat effort.
(And before anyone decides this includes pedophiles and people into bestiality... Nope! The object of your attraction being an individual who can’t consent doesn’t mean you’re going against pericisheteronormativity! Nothing in what perinormativity, cisnormativity, and heteronormativity are includes the age or species of individuals you’re attracted to!)
It's "interesting" that polyam people are usually one of the go-to "NEXT YOU'LL BE SAYING WE SHOULD INCLUDE THEM!" groups for regs, considering one of the primary arguments abt excluding anybody who isnt exclusively attracted to their own gender is basically "but they dont get marriage inequality!", when bigamy is an actual literal crime pretty much everywhere, and one that can lead to time in jail regardless of consensuality...
Ooh boy am I likely going to get some shit over fleshing outmy thoughts on this matter. But you know, I think it’s important I do moreproperly solidify my thoughts, and the easiest way for me to do that is towrite things out, so let’s do this… And this is probably going to be long,ramble-y, wordy, and whatnot, so it’s going under a cut.
Keep reading
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turtleofdamascus · 1 year ago
Me to Croz after part 7
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normystical · 9 months ago
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autistic-katara · 3 months ago
does it annoy tf out of anyone else that when a character says smthn like: “i’m not in love with [a male character], i was in love with [female character], it took me a while to accept and i’m incredibly scared telling you please don’t tell anyone” people immediately go “ah yes, canon lesbian, i don’t know how u can’t pick up on that”
meanwhile when a character says smthn like: “i’ve tried for years to force myself into a romantic relationship, thought it would ‘fix me’. but i realise now that’s not how it works, a romantic relationship won’t fix me and i honestly don’t think i was attracted to any of the people i tried to date, im going to swear of romantic relationships for life bcz i don’t experience romantic attraction, later guys ily platonically” 99% of the fans go “oh, ok. so they’re probably asexual but it’s definitely up to interpretation. wtf is ‘a romantic’, yeah they’re a romantic; in a romantic relationship with their ‘best friend’ who i ship them with and is basically canon. very homophobic of the author to make them explicitly state that they weren’t into them like that. they must hate gay people despite the rest of the queer characters in here…”
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allthoseotherworlds · 1 year ago
I think what's actually bothering me about the way some people are talking about the "Isaac Newton is hot" thing is like.
Headcanons aside. I need to know that you understand that asexual people can still call people hot and it doesn't mean we're experiencing sexual attraction to them.
Because I understand and appreciate people's excitement and joy and the ways they might want to read into this line,
But when people say that it's canonically confirming that the Doctor is attracted to men (in ways that imply sexual/ romantic attraction), rather than just that they're choosing to read it that way,
It makes me feel like people are under the impression that anyone who calls other people hot is attracted to those other people.
Which makes me feel misunderstood and frustrated, because it's not that uncommon for asexuals to be able to tell when someone is hot. It's just that sometimes it's easier to avoid actually saying that for precisely this reason-
The fear of being misunderstood.
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elfcollector · 1 year ago
bi women can be masculine and prefer topping and still be bi! bi men can be flamboyant and still be bi! sexuality is not entirely dependent on how many gay stereotypes you fit, thought we'd got this sorted in 2010 but what the fuck do i know!
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evilfloralfoolery · 2 months ago
Characters over here making shit complicated. As per the usual lol.
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thestarmaker · 3 months ago
I think one of the regulars at work is into me and I feel bad for him tbh 😭 he's so nice and chill but sorry I'm just not attracted to men
I'm not the first employee here he's caught feelings for, and the last one was a lesbian. He's extremely normal about it, he's not off-putting or creepy in any way but god he has a rough track record of falling for Unattainable People
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teethgnashing · 1 year ago
i need to stop talking abt body image issues with people who don’t have a double chin
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alchemiclee · 8 months ago
sometimes I think about how everyone is so obsessed with how they look and think other peoples' opinions are what determine if they are attractive or not. by that logic, i'm one of the ugliest people to ever exist because i've never, to my memory, had a random person tell me i'm attractive in any way just by looking at me. I've only had people give me pity compliments after I say something like the last sentence lmao. but I don't accept those. I don't want your pity
#lee text#random thoughts with lee#i'm doing fine without being told i'm attractive. be like me. stop complaining about looks ans calling yourself ugly fbbfnjdsnns#i only think people with good personalities are attractive and pretty si if you care so much what others think:#get a better personality LOL#(what i mean by that is work on yourself and stop trying to use physical appearance to get what you want. its weird and wrong)#((wrong in many ways like looks dont last. thats superficial and doesnt matter. beauty is subjective#YOU WILL NEVER BE ATTRACTIVE TO EVERYONE so give up and find a new hobby))#i feel like this will sound super mean to certain people who have what i call Ugly Syndrome (they think theyre ugly and blame failure on it)#but these people never seem to listen to listen to logic and feel bad about themsleves no matter what you say#even if you call them beautiful multiple times a day. so who cares at that point fhdhhdjjsj i cant help them and they annoy me#i guess thats the unempathetic side of my autism coming out. i live on an empathy sliding scale ive come to realize#lee rambles#if this does offend you maybe think about it. really think about how to fix that issue within yourself. i genuinely hope you get better#also people who use “i do it for myself” but its obvious they actually care more about how others see them. you also suck. get well soon.#I dont want anyone replying to this getting offended or well actuallying me or something. either take the tough love or go love yourself#one of the gremlins in this brain doesnt empathy. its me. the unempathetic gremlin. but i still hope you recover quickly.
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genderveld · 2 years ago
"Mspec gays are contradictory but I support them"
firstly hi yes thanks for the support ily /p
secondly is it really contradictory though?
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eggmeralda · 2 years ago
the genetics felt so bad for what they did to my parents' first kid's looks that they overcompensated massively on the second kid's looks
#worded terribly but yeah my younger sister got all the good genes and i got none of them#like ik what even are 'good genes' what even is 'attractive' etc etc#but still the only 'conventionally attractive' thing i got was big eyes and even then they don't go with the rest of my face#thinking about how my sister's the one random people will come up to compliment in public#the one who's turned down multiple people over the years#the one who makes friends easier bc she looks more approachable#the one who can wear whatever she wants and have her hair in any style and it still looks good#and like even though i'm aroace and don't even want people to be attracted to me it still kind of#idk it adds up after 23 years where only one person has ever been openly interested in me#usually i was just the one who people would joke about fancying at school but it was fine bc i was the weird squirrel kid#like i wasn't there to be fancied i was there to entertain my friends in lessons#but yeah idk i'm just thinking about this. not even in a negative way?#kind of in a positive way bc like?? i'm starting to age#only the beginnings of it but it's kind of exciting#bc i feel like the older you get the less your appearance matters#and i've always looked old for my age so i guess i'll slowly grow into it#and i won't have anything to lose bc i've always been average looking so it's not like ''oh no i'm losing my beauty'' or anything#i've only got a few lines on my face but i can't wait to get more and i can't wait to start going grey#btw thinking about that hilda ogden quote (bc when am i not thinking about hilda ogden okay anyway)#i can't remember it exactly but when she said something about realising her face didn't suit her at 14#she was so right like saaaaame she's so me fr fr#but yeah when i was a kid i looked like a teenager and when i was a teenager i looked like an adult and#when i was an early adult i looked middle aged and now i'm 23 and i could pass for like. idk 28 or something. which isn't too bad anymore#idk what the point of this post is i just read an article that was suggested for me about basically being the ugly friend#(My Beautiful Friend by Grazie Sophia Christie) and i was reading it like ''omg she's so real and true she gets it''#bc it reminded me of my sister who is literally my best friend but there's always been this slight envy which i feel bad for#bc it's not even her fault but i guess neither of us can help it#so like this is nothing against her specifically it's just an example. and i've been thinking about it for the past few weeks#okay yeah i've lost whatever my point was but basically i literally cannot wait to be in my 30s and then go from there#okay whatever goodnight *proceeds to stay up for another 4 hours probably* <3<3
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screampied · 2 months ago
#CANDY-CRUS(H)ER! t. fushiguro + s. kong
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ৎ୭ sum. so, you unlocked a new hot character who just so happens to be toji’s best friend. greaaat! what’s not so great, you might ask? you thinking you can take both of them at the same time . . *digital side eye*
wc. 8.2k
warnings. fem! reader, rent-a-dilf! au, thręesomes, dilf! toji, loser girl reader, unprotected, shiu is sassy for no reason, size differences, spít-roasting, double pęnetration, overstim, praise, ōral (both), dry humping, spanks, manhandling, cowgirl dp, rubbing tips, dirty talk, shiu has a dick piercing, bręeding, bromance? LOL idk, tummy bulges, implied multiple rounds.
an. hi this literally picks up after the first fic! (/ε\*)
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“i feeeeeel like . . i just walked into a bad porno.”
as you’re snuggled up against toji with a burly arm of his wrapped around you, your eyes gradually enlarge. instantly, you couldn’t help but allow your curious eyes to wander at the brand new character who toji apparently already knows.
shiu fuckin’ kong . .
with a lit pink cigarette (that you personally customized for him while dressing him up) sticking from the corner of his lips, your eyes take in his naturally suave appearance—he’s fashionably dripped in a business suit just like how he appeared in the game. it’s a dirty jet-black color, and his hands were already buried in his pockets. he’s tall too, very verrrry lean, you’d guess around the same height as toji.
shiu’s got a demeanor that just screams raunchy respect. as you continued to stare, you heard toji smack his lips from behind your ear . . and oh was he already irritated.
“tch. out of all people, you match with him?” toji grumbles, still feeling the soreness in his calves.
shiu snickers, walking up to the two of you before he grabs your hand. softly, he brings it up to his lips, caressing a thumb over your skin so lovingly. “glad we finally get ‘ta meet, pretty doll,” and shiu’s got a thick husky voice that’s got such an attractive smoky rasp. you could feel your heart fluttering just from that simple gesture, and then shiu’s eyes fell toward toji.
“ah, and… toji? i didn’t know the game allowed bums on the roster. how.. cute.”
narrowing leafy eyes straight back at him, toji lets out a snarling grouse. “anywaaays,” and he turns toward you, a near pout on his lips. “sugar, you can like to delete him now . . or whatever.”
you giggle. “i can’t do that, i wished for him, silly.” and you could already tell toji was getting jealous.
he practically reeked of it, but that’s probably what happens when you get too attached to fictional characters…. oops!
toji huffs at your answer and within a blink of an eye, your attention is already wholly fixated on shiu.
just …. like …… thaaat.
you’re still nude with the fluffed covers shielding your bare chest before your eyes start to rove and wander yet again. shiu hunches over the side of the bed with the same cigarette sticking between his teeth.
in a way, now that you think about it.. he actually resembles toji.
they both had dark black hair — growing, ruff facial hair with strong, citrusy cologne scents.
shiu’s was far much louder though, even louder than toji’s whose you’d always be able to smell from a mile away.
however - you’re so kept up in your thoughts that you don’t even realize he is now cupping your chin.
“my my, girl. look ‘atcha,” shiu’s low voice pitches naturally, taking a subtle glance at a very annoyed toji before tittering. “mhm, mhm. gorgeous face with an even more gorgeous body, my kinda woman,” and as he continued to speak, brushing a thumb over your pursed spit-glossed lips, shiu tilted his head. “toji couldn’t handle a fine girl like you, pretty doll.”
“like you could.” toji cockily crosses his arms, bulgy veins in his arms protruding within each confident flex.
“oh i can, sweetheart,” shiu looks at toji while he’s still caressing your chin.
you held back a giggle, hearing toji’s ‘weirdo…’ of a mumble slip past his lips at the little petname shiu gave him.
the air felt substantially thick, and you had to repeatedly blink again, and again and again..
this still didn’t even feel real.
the more the soft pad of shiu’s thumb smears alluring circles over your lips, the more you can already feel butterflies bubbling up inside of your tummy. looking down back at you, shiu hums hoarsely. “tell me, dove. what do you want, hm?”
“i…” you timidly croak, nearly gasping once you can feel yourself throbbing underneath the thick covers.
fuck- you just couldn’t think straight. but if you were being completely honest though, you stopped thinking with your brain a long time ago..
you were now thinking between your legs, because as the throbbing above your thighs started to quickly accelerate, you whined out a pretty, “i want you both.”
“oh, please.” toji scoffs, the mental image of having to share you nearly making him gag.
not that long ago, he had one night with you after you wished for him - just one night, and he wanted you all to himself.
he still couldn’t get over how good you rode him, milking him until he was whining for more.
“you heard her, toji,” shiu pried his finger back away from your wet lips, giving his best friend a teasing pat on the shoulder. “the pretty girl wants us both.”
“technically, she wants me. you weren’t even here in the last fic-”
“the… what?”
they started to bicker right before your eyes and you couldn’t help but eye roll.
they were practically arguing like an old married couple.
arguing over . . well, you.
you laid back against the plump pillow as you watched the two broad beefy men before you talked each others ears off. toji was still shirtless, and your eyes landed on his back sometimes expose his entire ripped physique every time he turned to his side.
countless, lightning-shaped scratches ran down his back like stripes, and you felt a bit sheepish knowing you did that.
toji rubs a hand over his neck before hearing a slight ‘crack!’ and groans from the release of tight muscles. you didn’t know why, but the simple action alone made the throbbing from earlier pick up again.
“finee,” toji ends the argument, a pout still displayed on his lips. “whoever makes her cum the most wins.”
shiu smiles to himself—sexily positioning his tie with a single hand before they’re both now turning their gazes toward you.
this was your cue to dramatically gulp, and you did before feeling a cool heat of air starting to wash between your thighs.
as the two men stood before you, you already knew one thing for sure. .
you were about to absolutely crushed - literally.
it didn’t take long at all before you found yourself bent over - arched on all fours with your tongue already rolling its way out your wide open mouth.
your hands, as wobbly as they were, pierced deeply into the rickety mattress. the second shiu lays his tongue flat against your wet cunt, you couldn’t help but mewl out a cute ‘ooooooh!’
he’s positioned behind you, his rosé-colored cigarette tossed in your nearby trash can as he holds your hips in place. meanwhile, toji’s in front of you with a hand placed on top of your raised chin.
“sugaaar, eyes up here,” he grunts, feeling your hands quickly claw their way at his freely nude cock.
toji was still tender from earlier and oh - you knew that entirely.
it’s probably only been about a few hours and he was already missing your pretty tight throat wrapped around his dick. he also couldn’t help but miss how warm you felt from the inside, how good you always clamped on his achingly needy shaft.
“ ‘m gonna need ‘ta see you work that mouth again for me, can you do that?”
“mhm-” you moan, caught off guard once you hear a wind of spit loudly preparing itself in shiu’s mouth.
thick, stubby fingers vertically swipe down your clit before with a messy ‘spat!’ - shiu ends up creating a sticky mess right against your entrance. you’re shivering, starting to lose your train of thought the second his crooked lips invade your folds with a barrage of open-mouthed kisses.
shiu’s messy - and he knew right away how to put his tongue to good use.
two, large hands cup your rocky hips before his pointed nose starts to zigzag its way down the sopping slot of your pussy. “yeaaah, girl, arch more against… mmph- my fuckin’ face,” he grunts, and you’re whimpering before wrapping a hand around toji’s veiny length.
like always, it stands tall before you—his tip a pearly flashing pink with remnants of dried cum dribbling from each stout side.
shiu could feel your hips frantically raising and spotting that cute, adorable arch of yours grow higher from each twisting curl of his tongue inside of you.
as his parched tongue reaches even deeper angles, he flicks his tip against toji’s cum that still lived inside of you. remnants of it still plugged into you, and he didn’t bat a single lash at all once he started to ‘clean’ you up.
“hah- such a sweet taste.” he purrs, using a thumb to spread the right cheek of your ass wider.
shiu lays his tongue fully flat, starting his way from the very top of your hole before slurping down. each loud squelch echoed through your ears, bouncing through each of your thinly made walls.
you honestly felt bad for your neighbors . . then again—this entire time, you sort of forgot about their sheer existence.
oh well! fuck them!
girl, not actually..
but toji and shiu were the exception though!
with shiu still devouring your cunt, you feel toji shuddering once you start to glue a few sloppy kisses against the tender head of his cock.
it’s poorly swollen still, with a blushing pink as a few veins decorate the sides. your hand that wraps around his shaft starts to give it a few pumps, feeling him already melting like wax near the wick of a candle.
“mhm-” his hand grips onto your hair, tightening by the very second. you couldn’t think straight with shiu repeatedly fucking his tongue in and out of your dripping cunt though.
every time his stubbled mustache would brush against your entrance, you’d holler out countless pretty moans. “sooo . . fuckin’ pretty,” toji rasps, cupping a big hand underneath your relaxed jaw.
you’re still stroking him, hearing the wet sloshes of your palm against his skin pitch louder before he groans. with ravened bangs running through his halfway-open eyes, toji brings his angry red tip towards your glossy puckered lips. “ ‘y gonna open for me? f- fuck, that cute throat of yours looks a bit empty.”
instantaneously, your tongue sticks itself out and you moan once toji starts to play with you again.
smack! after smack! - and he’s just softly hitting the teary cream-coated tip of his dick against your needy, sobbing tastebuds continuously..
a curving smirk starts to run across his lips as he watches that pout slowly marinating against your saddened features. “aww, look at that ‘lil frown, so cute,” he teases, your tongue still perfectly rolled out of your lips. shiu’s still eating you from behind, nibbling every few seconds against your nub just to earn a whine out of you. “manners, princess. y’know this.”
“please,” you’d spat, mentally cringing each time his hardened cock slapped itself against the tip of your tongue. you wanted more than just a cheap millisecond of a taste. so so bad..
whiteish strings of pre-cum and your saliva mixed from every time he’d pull his length away from your poor twitching lips. toji hears the wretched whine cutely gargle its way out of your voicebox, and he hums in amusement. letting off an irritated grunt, you poutingly correct yourself. “pretty.. please.”
“atta fuckin’ girl,” toji praises with a slight grumble, greeting your spit-glossed lips with yet another kiss.
he was feral, the sounds of teeth clashing only grew louder by the second as you started to pulse again.
shiu grunts, feeling you sneak a hand near the hem of his slacks. as your wet lips were still being tackled by toji’s, your thumb ghosted against his cottony boxers. the waistband folds from your touch and shiu breathes sharply, inching closer toward your face.
“aw, don’t hog her, toji,” shiu whispers, bringing his pursed lips to yours.
now - they were both kissing you, fighting over who could make your lips swollen first.
you moaned, tasting treacly slings of saliva depart from all sets of lips. toji tsks silently, poking his tongue inside your mouth while shiu playfully nibbles against the bottom of your lip.
you felt so hot - both of them started to put their hands on you, feeling all over your body and you couldn’t help but arch from all the burning touches.
“f- fuuuck.” you’d whimper, your tummy tucking inward in excitement at the feeling of shiu’s fingers skipping down your tummy.
they both had one thing in common for sure. they were fuckin’ handsy..
shiu’s feeling down your chest and toji’s got one hand holding the back of your head, another caressing down your thigh.
“hah- still a messy girl.” toji utters, squeezing your cum-glossed lips together before leaning up close, bringing you into a very hot kiss. you’re moaning, feeling toji’s callused open palms explore their way down your body - pulling your hips up oh-so eagerly.
his knee finds its way between your legs and you pout again. instinctively, that’s when your body starts to hump against his meaty limb.
“heh- she’s so excited,” shiu observes in a smoky whisper, getting up and pressing himself behind you. his lips were still slickly coated with your juices and he licked it clean - his tongue flirtatiously sliding around every damp spot.
with him being the one that was only fully clothed, you whined, feeling shiu’s hardened bulge of a tent press up against your bare ass.
he’s brick-hard, and shiu lets off a guttural groan once you playfully buck your ass back against him before rubbing against toji’s thigh once more. toji’s fat thumbs create a sensual path down your body, locating each pretty curve before grabbing your hips.
cocking his head slightly, his tongue dips inside your mouth before he starts to suck against your slippery wet tongue.
it’s a slow…..intimate action and with peeking flapping eyelids gradually opening, you could see his hooded green eyes already eyeing you.
he’s basically eye fucking you - intently locking eyes with you whilst his tongue battles yours in such a wet yet competitive way.
whenever toji kisses you - he’s just so greedy.
barely even giving you any time to breathe, he sloppily maneuvers his tongue against yours, groaning at each wet share of slaps! that resounds from both smacking lips.
his tongue even slithers its way out of your mouth for a split second, licking down your chin just to get it a bit wet.
shiu rolls his eyes, feeling the bulging tent in his slacks grow the more he stares at you and toji hungrily make out with each other.
“my turn,” shiu grumbles, softly pulling you away. gasping for breaths of fresh air, your lashes flap open for a second and you face shiu.
darkened brown eyes meet yours before he leans in, giving the left side of your neck a nice quick whiff. “mhmm, dove’s already startin’ ‘ta smell like me too, toji..” he whispers lowly, starting to suckle his lips against numerous tender spots of your skin.
you moaned, feeling toji nibble at your other shoulder with his hands meeting your rickety hips.
shiu’s touch was a bit softer, and more gentle while toji was more firm and hungry..
shiu’s painfully slow kisses (that almost felt like the entire world was pausing in the process) made you tingle the deeper he sucks against your tilted neck.
once he finally gets up to your face, shiu cunningly grins once he sees you cutely closing your eyes.
“ah, what’s this? were you expectin’ another kiss?” and your pout was your answer. a sweet, pouty frown tugs at each corner of your lips before shiu kisses the side of your mouth. “aw, poor thing. don’t pout, ‘m just messin’ with ya,” and within milliseconds, shiu’s lips finally slam against yours.
you felt a cool rush jolt down your body, moaning at the grasping, rough hands of both men touching each part of your body.
you’re still grinding against toji’s bulky thigh while whimpering against shiu’s lips - relishing in the faint fresh leavings of smoke on his tongue.
shiu’s got a bittersweet taste to him, and he brings a hand toward the back of your head, softly tilting it to a certain degree. “so needy for more.”
toji starts to breathe heavily, and he’s holding your hips in place, making you stay still. with airy pants leaving out of your wheezing lungs, you couldn’t help but circle your cunt around the center part of his thigh with your hips by shimmying yourself just a bit.
a candied whimper cuts out from your larynx at the sudden tenderness between your legs and you can feel shiu slowly smiling against your lips. “mhm? gonna make a mess on my thigh, girl? ‘s that why you can’t stop humpin’ on me?”
“mmph-” you’d moan as an inaudible response, your noises muffled due to how shiu’s tongue was still shoved down your throat.
you felt so tender. your entire body, it felt like you were on fire - between your legs, specifically.
you couldn’t help but wind your hips back against toji’s thick thigh, your hands finding their way toward your breasts to touch yourself while grinding against his leg.
“mhm, tryna give us a show, too?” toji grunts, verdant squinting eyes roving down your pretty chest.
your grinding doesn’t stop - in fact, you were only starting to get quicker.
shiu’s taking your breath away, literally, and he now starts to lap up the drool that drips down the crevices and corners of your chin. “such a diiiirty girl, didn’t know you get off ‘ta humpin’ my damn thigh, baby.”
“f- fuck, ‘m gonna hah- ohmygoddd!” you’d break away from shiu’s lips abruptly, your back arching as your hips finally come to an overwhelming halt.
you’re cumming - hard, and your cute battle cry of an orgasm was always music to their ears.
you’re feeling hot all over, and you’re steadily whimpering as you shamefully bury your face into the crook of shiu’s neck.
toji’s thigh was still propped up underneath you, slowly soaking with your slick wet mess as your ass continued to pathetically rock back ‘n forth against his veiny leg. “u- ugh, fuuuuck fuck!”
shiu reaches between your legs, giving your overstimulated cunt a niiiice squeeze before raising a brow. “y’er actin’ like this ‘n we haven’t even been inside ‘cha, yet.” you shivered, gasping once you felt the silvery band of shiu’s watch rub against your cunt.
slow - deep, thorough circles..
he’s smearing the front-protected part of the jewelry against your folds, feeling you cutely pulse against the protected glass.
it steams up right away from your wetness, and shiu could even hear just how wet you were.
your pussy was quite vocal—it was loud, sobbing and crying out little wet squelches of its own and you were still so so sensitive..
it’s cold the more he rubs it against the entrance of your pussy and he snickers at your reaction. shiu then starts nipping kisses near your neck once your body starts to shudder from the touch alone.
again, so sensitive..
the watch band instantly gets wet due to the syrupy stickiness that ran between your thighs, rubbing against the leathery strip. “she’s a wet girl today,” toji grunts, sliding his thigh from underneath you.
for some reason though . . you still couldn’t fathom that this was actually real.
toji fushiguro and shiu kong.
both sandwiched between you, sharing you- treating you like a mere rag doll.
then again, maybe this was a sign for you to stop reading so much fanfiction in your spare time and maybe…not get your back blown by literal fictional fuckin’ characters!
but fuck that.
why even bother to care when you can just be delusional right here…right now?
you’re interrupted from your thoughts once more once shiu pulls you into him. “dove- just a bit ago, you did say you wanted us both, yeah?” and you gulped, meeting toji’s eyes as he was on the bottom.
he’s laid out, beefy legs spread with his arms tucked behind his head. cocky cocky cocky.
you held back a moan once your eyes trailed down his overly hairy chest. so much of it too…
dark black bushes decorate down parts of his chest with his tummy a bit round ‘n plump at all angles. you’d probably melt if toji sank all of his weight on you. just putting you in a perfect mating pres-
“hey, focus, pretty,” shiu cups your face. you look at him, leaning into his gingerly soft touch and his body heat practically radiates against your exposed chest. “didya hear what i said?”
“y- yeah,” you sheepishly clear your throat, feeling his hands help you straddle over toji. “i can.. i can take you both.”
humming, shiu easily unbuckles his pants and his pants fall to the floor with a loud thuuud!
toji holds onto your hips tight, groaning before starting to give his cock a few solid beginning strokes.
the anticipation merely killed you - you couldn’t help but turn around, eyes nearly the size of table saucers once you see a glimpse of shiu’s cock.
he’s thick, and to top it all off, of course, he had that pretty ‘lil piercing through his dark pinkish frenulum.
prince fuckin’ albert..
you’d almost forgotten- that was yet another detail you decided to customize while toying with him on the game.
you requested for shiu kong to specifically have a dick piercing along with some of the other … vulgar things you arranged on his character.
you’ve heard about dick piercings but it’s hotter and different once you’re up close.
it’s somewhat pretty in a way - perfectly highlighting his tip as the steel piercing hooks over his frenulum.
it’s tucked right in, all the way in… and yet, for some reason… the more you stared, the more you started to feel yourself salivating.
you gulped so loud that you were almost positive one of them heard you.
shiu’s got a plethora of prominent veins running down each side of his shaft and it proudly stands tall, creamily tearing from each pinkish-tan corner with tears of milky precum.
“heh- i told toji ‘ta get a piercing like this but of course, he chickened out. me personally, man-”
“oh, fuck you,” toji grumbles, narrowing his eyes straight at shiu.
you hover over toji’s length which was also sheeny from the very top. it’s almost cute how his entire tip was so mushroomy and angrily flashing with various blushing colors of reddish pink.
they were both super super thick, and the mere thought of feeling them both stretching you out from the inside had your metaphoric panties in a twist. “i gotcha, sugar. look at me.” toji continues.
“oh, f- fuuuck,” you’d inhale deeply, your cunt immediately opening up at the welcoming gradual stretch of toji’s swollen cockhead.
you’re so tender, slowly sinking your way while your teeth bite down onto your bottom lip.
you’ve already felt toji - but shiu…
your heart’s pulse dramatically quickened by the second as you sank sank sank on toji’s fat cock.
“mhm,” shiu presses his chest against you, helping you secure yourself over toji’s lap.
with toji laid back comfortably, shiu’s right behind you with an arm snaking around your torso. a big hand meets its way between your legs, dragging a stubby thumb down your cunt that’s being stuffed with only about a good half of toji’s length so far. “let us hear that extra stretch, girl,” shiu hoarsely coos against your ear, aligning his leaking tip against your hole.
as a soft ‘mmngh!’ comes out from your lips, you land flat on toji’s hairy chest and he catches you with a smug grin, kissing your forehead.
but god - shiu’s stretch was simply out of this world. your eyes widened even larger than they already were as your lips pathetically spread apart, shaping into a surprised ‘o’ shape.
shiu’s stretching you out in every way possible. he’s groaning once he hears the pretty harmony of squelches leaving from both slick orifices.
his hand remains between your trembling thighs before his fingers start to rub against your pussy.
“there it is. that pretty stretch. ugh- there she fuckin’ iiiiis,” shiu reaches for the wooden headboard, nearly in awe at how perfect you were taking them both. your cunt squawks wetly, and your jaw just couldn’t stop itself from hanging.
the metal ring that glues on top of his tip immediately introduces itself against your puckering hole, giving it a sloppy frigid kiss of its own. with both stout shafts leisurely making their way into you, you were already panting like a dog.
“f.. fuck, so fuckin’ nghhh- big.” you’d moan, a sweaty palm of yours instinctively gripping a part of your ass.
with a tiny ‘lil shake of your hips, you started to grasp your bearings—attempting to start up a pace but cutely failing. saying that they were both big though was purely an understatement.
toji and shiu both had girth for days.
every inch drove its way into your gummy walls deeply, easily locating every possible opening they could rummage through.
you probably looked a mess already as your mouth remained open, dribbling from the corners of your parted sheeny lips with globs of drool..
you honestly couldn’t even compare them though.
inch after fuckin’ inch.. they were each huge in their respective ways - rightfully so!
slowly yet surely, they’re both making their way through your clenching insides as you finally start to rock your pathetic hips forward.
riiiight as toji’s cock sloppily plops! its way against your cunt, he’s fatally bottoming out. while he’s made his way past the tight ring of your barrier, you’re shaking against his chest with your mouth cutely agape the entire time.
“good…hah- girl. clampin’ down on us so good,” toji wheezes, already starting to break a sweat. he’s got your hips glued to his clammy palms, lowly grunting each time he feels your body’s grinding against them trying to quicken. “f.. fuck, shiu. she’s…hah- perfect, ain’t she shiu.”
“mngh- yeah, she is,” shiu groans, slowly starting to thrust forward.
you looked so pretty. from this view, he’s seeing all of your pornographically twisting, facial expressions at once.
you’re whimpering, nearly drooling yet again the more both of them fill each hole like it was nothing. you were sooo slick too - too slick, sloshes and squelches singing out of your pussy every time you rockily slide up ‘n down..
you’re damn near full - and your eyes rolled way back at the delicious stretch that curves through every end inside of you.
shiu’s piercing was the very cherry on top—the icing on the cake.
he’s tickling you in your most sensitive spots on purpose, making you whine out continuous wails of his name until your voice grows raw.
“s.. shiu, f- fuck, uugh-” and toji playfully flicks your forehead, hungry for more attention. “ow!”
“i’m inside you too, y’know.”
you rolled your eyes, nearly forgetting you were being double stuffed for a moment before you leaned in to kiss toji.
he grumbles against your lips, a hand creeping toward your ass before leaning into your sweetly-tasting embrace.
toji’s swallowing every individual moan that trickles away from your wet lips - savoring the saliva that lingers on the flat of your parched tongue.
“mmngh,” he’d then grunt, swatting a hand against your ass. shiu’s groaning while still behind you. his hips strenuously started to buck at a much more bumpy pace.
right then though, his waist snaps! right into your throbbing core, causing a single vigorous thrust to make you squeal.
right there-
your pussy clenches…then clamps…then clenches again and you’re feeling them both reach deep deep deep!
each targeted hit was sloppy - wet, sobbing out squelches every time your ass softly bounces back against toji’s warm lap.
your skin flawlessly ricochets against both bodies that were glued against you. “f- fuuuck, harder.” you’d pant, breathlessly whispering between kisses.
toji grunts, watching as you friskily swipe your tongue across the scar that slashes down his lip.
“mm- arch a bit more f’ me, pretty doll,” shiu roughly murmurs, his abs underneath his dress shirt tightening from each pivotal thrust forward.
oh, his hips were just nasty though. shiu’s literally drilling into you now - acting as if his hips had the occupation of a construction worker.
your sweet, sweet whines that were never-ending, filled the room with the addition of your bed’s creaking cries of mercy. lifting your hips, shiu presses a wet kiss against the inside of your neck. “hah- atta girl, stay like that. juuuust like- that.”
right at the end of his gravelly sentence, shiu’s cock punctuates your core so good that you’re just speechless..
entirely stupid.
your lips leave toji’s as you’re whimpering, weakly rocking against his chiseled frame that reclined underneath you. “o- oooh my god, ‘m gonna c.. cum… gonna.. -ngh!” you’d gasp, your left leg already starting to shake.
you’re salivating immensely from both corners of your mouth, taking a second to swallow once you feel toji’s scarred palm slide its way underneath your tummy.
as his hand rubs around the spot, he’s pressing his palm over. a bulge starts to form before disappearing . . then forming again.
“mhm, look at thaaat,” he rasps, sliding a finger around the outline that faintly molds a shape.
they’re in so deep - so fuckin’ deep that you’re barely able to formulate words, let alone coherent sentences as you’re just whimpering out the same three syllables of their names combined.
it’s the same wiiiide stretch occurring after each sloppy thrust and you never get over it. you’re still moaning despite your voice already turning a bit raw..
as you’re still rotating your ass around each cocks that stuffed you full, you’re feeling shiu’s hands spread your ass apart juuuust to see your full puckering hole.
he can’t help but pull out every few seconds, poking a thumb inside just to feel you cutely slump back. every surprised ‘ooooh!’ you’d make always made shiu’s dick twitch - and fuck, did you feel it every time.
occasionally, you felt the bushy hair of toji’s base tickle against your skin. you’re steadily arching, feeling every nerve in your body shiver.
“ ‘m gonna..f- fuckin’ cum too,” toji falls back against your sage velveteen cushioned pillows. you almost forgot how he was still sensitive from before. all because of you.
you’re laid right up against his chest, studying how every few seconds, his expressions would twist.
his hazed, green eyes nearly resembled a color of an emerald—toji’s gruffly groaning, maintaining a solid grip on your hips before huffing out an abrupt. “s.. sugar, ‘y gonna milk me again, f- fuck.”
“always such a baby,” shiu murmurs, snickering once he sees toji’s glare from a blurred side glance. your cunt was so slick, covering them both from the veiny shafts down as you rock rock rocked against them each.
sweet yelping ‘ah’ ‘s would yelp out of you as the pressure continues to build.
their mashing tips were competitive—harshly smearing gluey kisses all around your cervix.
you’re moaning, leaning back against shiu’s chest as he gives your pussy a soft spank. “mhm- pretty doll, cum with toji,” he leans into your ear, his voice a hushed dirty whisper. “make him whine for us, can you do that f’ me, pretty girl?”
“y- yeaaah, shiu,” you’d reply, grabbing his wrist and making him cup onto your jiggling breasts. they were just so pretty - loosely springing free as you bounced, grinding your entire weight against toji’s lap. “fuck, f- fuck.”
meanwhile, shiu’s hands continue to explore your body with them both still puncturing each of your wet orifices.
that same cruel stretch that would occur every few wet split seconds had your back arching, toes submissively curling, jaw idly dangling.
you swore that these types of scenarios only happened in the fanfictions you read, sort of like like this one—i mean, the ones you’d randomly stumble upon in your spare time.
now that it was actually happening though, you never wanted this moment to end.
“fuck, ‘m cummin, - hah,” toji groans, his breath catching in his throat once your hand wraps around his neck. exactly as your fingers snaked around his thick throat, you felt toji’s dick twitch inside of you.
you were both reaching delirious peaks at the same time, moaning together at the sprinkles of elation that spiked through each vein and axon of your body and his. “u- uuugh, take it all, girl. better take it..”
“s.. shit,” you’d whine, your release forcing you to subtly slow down the speed of your hips as the two of you end up finishing.
it’s a slow rush.. and shiu’s still behind you. his hand that was gripping your breast slowly trails its way down your sweaty chest.
as you’re riding him again - toji’s life flashes before his eyes… at least in a video game sense.
it’s almost as if you could see the little pixelated hearts floating above his head, and one suddenly disappears the moment he comes inside of you.
two lives remaining left ! ! !
“g.. god,” he whimpers huskily, clammy sticky black bangs gluing to his forehead. toji’s washboard abs clench as he’s shooting blanks, shooting said blanks deep into your womb. it’s hot, bubbling into your cunt as you writhe around each dick that is stuffed inside of you. “ ‘m gonna marry y’er pussy one day, baby. sooo . . fuckin’ good.”
“hah-” shiu pants, a hand resting on your back, tracing a few imaginary lines down your skin. “like he can even afford a marriage license anyway. i’d have to be the sugar daddy for you both.. heh. not that i’d mind.”
“shut … up.” toji grumbles, wrapping his arms around your torso. you’re still moaning, feeling the gooey masses of cum creaming all down your slit, creating a pearly sheet of slick that eventually coats shiu’s cock also.
it’s a mess-
that much was apparent, but toji could tell by the feral little look in your eyes that you wanted more..
greedy girl.
and more did you get - because once it’s your turn to ride shiu, you felt a feeling of butterflies you’ve never felt with toji.
shiu’s got a different kind of aura to him, an aura that is a liiiitle bit different than toji.
like it was mentioned earlier… just a single glance at shiu kong and you just know that he’s the type of guy who demands respect.
“tch. guess i’ll just go fuck myself,” toji rolls his eyes dramatically, a pout fully displayed on his grim face.
he was obviously kidding and, it was cute to see toji so jealous. he’s had a sweet taste of you for one time and he already wanted more - more of you, and all for himself.
but you did summon shiu from the game also, so double the fun . . right?
you couldn’t help but giggle, watching how toji’s eyes would darken a bit at seeing shiu starting to align you on his wet tip. “shiu- make sure she’s nice ‘n we-”
“toji sweetheart, thank you- but i know how to please a lady,” shiu sassily replies with a tone of suggestive jest, one hand already gripping your waist. “up up, pretty doll. raise those hips f’ me real quick, yeah.. good girl-” he instructs in a raspy voice, feeling your slick cunt gush a bit.
it’s a loud ‘pssssh!’ that squeaks right between your legs, and you’ve seen gnawing on your lip as his pierced cock’s starting to rub circles around your drooling entrance.
“mmh- fuck, shiu,” you’d moan, trying to position yourself right. he’s slouched back with his tie all ruffled, messily about to pull itself out of his suit before he grunts. the coldness of the dick ring makes you shiver, gasping once his hand sharply smacks your ass. “spank me h- harder.”
“mhm- i planned on it, gorgeous,” shiu gravelly whispers against your ear, bringing the center of his palm against your backside once more.
swat! swat! swat!
and your skin jiggles upon impact, pitchy whines leaving from your dried-out throat each second. “ooh, good girl. y’er spoilin’ me with allllll this perfect ass, ‘m afraid, dove.”
toji gets behind you, and you feel his callused fingertips run down your spine once shiu starts to finally lower you down.
it all happens in agonizing slow motion, and your lashes flutter at his wet lips painting even wetter kisses down your spine. you were always a sucker for his touch—frowning at each wet peck that glues against your skin like paste.
“how’s it feel, sugar?” toji murmurs, rough textured hands dragging further down your skin.
your entire body rocks back against his chest, whining loudly once the crude stretch starts to commence again.
shiu grunts, feeling you start to move - seductively swerving your whole ass around in all kinds of circles and shapes.
gasping for each languid breath you possibly could, you whine out a sweet little, “good- mmh, fuck so good,” and you could feel your mouth watering at each millisecond that passes.
his thickness… oh- you’d probably never ever get used to it.
shiu’s fat tip doesn’t take long to disappear inside of you, inviting itself inside of your walls before you give him a loving tight grip.
the pierced crown of his cock massages its way around your cunt, moving its way around before its shimmies into your slobbering core. “s- sooo good, shiu. don’t stop.”
“hah- can see why ya like her, toji.” shiu grits through his teeth, combing a hand through his dampened black tresses.
with his right hand damn near glued to the left jittering cheek of your ass, shiu gives you another hard swat. you’re fully riding him now, the bed’s sudden creaking supporting that very apparent fact before he groans.
“she fits reeeeal nice, mmh- her pussy’s fuckin’ dangerous,” and as he starts to fan himself, slumping back, shiu starts to lie slouch, letting you take over. “…phewww.”
“told you.” toji grouses, a hand finding its way around his cock that’s pulsing with exciting veins. he watched how you were just perfect - effortlessly working your hips on shiu.
you’ve got a grip like shiu’s never felt before.
each time your ass violently slaps back against his meaty thighs, he’s getting whiplash.
shiu’s entirely taken aback too. his grip on your ass lessens as he stares at you with bleary, hooded eyes struggling to open. “mmhhh, work it, girl. fuck me.. f- fuck me,” he’s lowly grunting, feeling his cock already tightening from the inside.
toji’s next to you, flicking his tongue against your neck before sucking on it deeply.
he’s making sure to savor your taste - and oh did you taste sweet.
sweet like candy, and toji fushiguro’s always been one for an occasional sweet tooth; a sugar rush.
the real rush though, was the way your scent drove him crazy.
toji couldn’t help but briefly break his lips away from your skin, trailing his nose down your neck before groaning.
you tasted sweet but fuck was your scent far far sweeter. it was a mixture of your scent along with the manly concoction of them both. both colognes that were so loud in the air, rubbing off across every single part of your body as you moved.
“atta girl, use those hips,” toji huffs, a hand returning on his cock. while giving his cock a few strokes, he’s pressing himself against your back. “f.. fuck, doin’ so good for us. make shiu cum, baby.”
“ugh- damn, she knows how ‘ta fuckin’ ride.. s.. shiiit-” shiu swallows thickly, taking occasional glances at your ass that merrily bounces right back against his cock.
his pierced cockhead plummets its way deep inside of your pussy, tickling against every sensitive spot it could. “yeah, y- yeah.. yeah… look at me, pretty doll. look at me while you ride this dick like a fuckin’ hah- champ.”
“f- fuck,” you’d moan, leaning forward into shiu. that causes your arch to make an arch and it’s a sexy arch that makes toji groan just spotting it. you’re inwardly dipping your hips whilst his sticky fingertips probe all against the near heart shape of your rotating ass. “ ‘m gonna cum again, shiu.”
with a hand softly going around your neck, shiu pulls you in close for a filthy, hot kiss that makes your cunt pulse almost right away.
toji’s rubbing a hand against your stuffed full entrance and you’re whimpering against shiu’s lips. your body’s still rocking at such a speed that even shiu could barely keep up. as your dripping tongue swirls its way around him, he opens his mouth to give you better access.
teeth fiercely clash into each other as both lips smack continuously. shiu’s starting to thrust into you now, slightly raising his hips just so he could pound into you and it makes you gasp.
“mmph-” you’d moan, taking toji’s hand and making him squeeze against your cunt. a thumb of his swipes down your soddened nub and you shudder, still tongue-tied with shiu.
“f- fuck, ‘m cummin’.” he groans, breaking away from the kiss with your damp lips landing on his stubble.
shiu’s sloppily raising his honed-structured hips into you and he’s hitting you good from the inside. his tip’s greeting your cervix like it’s no tomorrow, and you’re whining once your release smoothly follows.
blanks - the two of you shoot blanks, each cumming hard with both jaws dangling like an earring.
you’re holding onto shiu as sweet little yelps shriek out of your throat. “fuck, f.. fuck!” you’d whimper, toji’s hand still maneuvering circles around your convulsing cunt.
shiu’s eyelids were drooped all the way low - he was exhausted, and yet he’s still got that sleazy grin on his face as he’s pouring pasty stripes into your overflowed pussy.
it’s sticky ‘n slimy, two perfect words to describe the mess that was a reoccurring thing for the two of them when it came to you. he pops a feverish miry knot inside of you before it bubbles its way out, sloppily dribbling down the twinned valley of your cracked open thighs.
“g.. goddaaaamn, girl,” shiu spanks your ass one last time, tears and tears of sweat racing all sides of his forehead.
he’s overly glossed in sweat - fanning himself yet again before falling back against your pillow. “hah.. toji,” he looks up at his friend who’s still pouty, stroking his cock and desperately wishing he was inside of you once more.
you looked so hot though - your arms wrapped around shiu as your ass slightly raised.
your neck slightly cranes to see the mess cascading down your sopping clit and you finally see it. creamy fresh clumps and it’s all flowing down your opening live a river - a more lewd version though. its in such a carnal way at how slickly it drizzles down the slot of your sopping pussy that’s overly coated with such amounts that it makes them both grunt.
“mmh.. such a nasty girl,” shiu continued, gently pulling you off of him before playfully rolling you over. “with hips like those, i… hah- might have to keep her,” snickering once he sees toji’s scowl, he corrects himself. “geez, i mean we..”
♡ ♡ ♡
as you’re still trying to get after release after release, you're seeing nothing but a galaxy full of stars.
it’s probably been many many, various…hell- a plethora of positions and you could barely think straight.
toji and shiu each took turns ‘sharing’ you, which mainly consisted of them constantly fighting over you.
you honestly lost count of how many orgasms they snatched out of your left and right. you were almost entirely sure they’d both forgotten about their little bet - seeing just who’d be able to make you cum more.
“f.. fuck,” you’d moan, flopping back against the bed. you’re out of breath, struggling to catch your breath as they both depart. toji’s flustered and shiu’s reaching for a lighter in his wrinkled pants that laid flat across your bed.
“tooooji,” shiu murmurs, pushing the the second pink cigarette between his teeth. “mmph- be a doll ‘n light this for me.”
“die,” toji glares - but despite his insult, he does it anyway.
you’re just laying flat on your pillow, watching the oddly brief intimate moment between the two as your chest heaves in and out.
with green eyes glaring straight at shiu, he leans in close, flicking a thumb over the lighter’s rusty turning wheel.
with a sudden click! the incandescent glowing flame flashes for a split second, burning into the dry butt of the cigarette.
shiu hoarsely hums, inhaling before lowly purring. “thank you, sweetheart,” and before he could even care what toji’s next response was, shiu gets between your legs.
shiu’s hands were so warm… they spread your slick-dripping thighs apart perfectly, getting a nice view of the mess they both created.
with the cigarette still tucked firmly between his teeth, he swipes a thumb down your buttery-coated clit that’s glittering from the entrance with wads ‘n wads of freshly hot cum. “such a…messy girl,” and he’s so close that his balmy breath wafts against the opening of your pussy.
you moaned, seeing toji licking his lips through your peripherals. tilting his head, shiu pulls out the stick for a moment, breathing out a cloudy puff of air. “toji, c’mere. our girl needs a proper cleanin’.”
“tsk. shiu, don’t tell me what to do,” toji grouses under his breath, already inching his face closer between the sprawled-out arc of your thighs.
so, so pretty -
they each filled you to the very brim. every single orifice was stuffed, oozing with such syrupy amounts. lanky strips of velvety cum plugged deep into your full womb, making you feel warmer than you’ve ever felt.
your toes curled as you sweetly whimpered, feeling both of their tongues create tender strokes against your pussy.
they ‘ahhh’ lowly, sloppily slurping their messes as you’re writhing on each twitching muscle that laps against your runny folds.
“mmnh- don’t stop,” you’d whine, pawing both hands at the crowns of their jerking heads.
instantly, your fingers get tangled with every ravened hair that silky runs through your fingertips.
gawking down with blurred irises, they’re both lewdly eating you out at the same time. shiu’s eyes were closed and he was all calm, a small tiny smile creasing against his lips . .
meanwhile, toji, he’s just glaring at shiu. a vein nearly bulges out of the side of his forehead as he cups his lips around your cunt. he’s eating you out like his life depended on it.
of course- everything with him just had to be a competition.
not that you were one to complain though.
two of the men that you wished for on this stupid dating app… game… whatever it was had you living every girl’s dream.
eventually though, as they’re lapping hot tongues up ‘n down your sticky cunt that’s painting each of their chiseled chins with a glittery wet stream of slick, you lean back moaning.
with your back submissively arching, your toes shrivel into a cute curl once more. they roll their tongues all the way flat, dragging and fucking its entire length inside of you just to hear you squeal.
toji’s dipping his tongue in and out while shiu’s thoroughly licking around every area - and eventually, their tongues end up touching.
but as you’re moaning, you suddenly feel them stop.
panting, you look down, muttering out a quiet, “w- what happene.. oh.”
and much to your surprise (not really), you glance down and see the two of them making out.
making out and eating you out at the same time. shiu snickers, cupping toji’s face with one hand, his cigarette gripped with his extra remaining fingers.
your pussy the third wheel- literally, and their lips mash against each other and your folds as they compete even still at devouring your twitching heat.
toji’s kisses back, grunting once he feels shiu reach between his legs—wrapping a hand around his friend’s length.
you grow meek, watching the two as you started to pulse—they were tongue deep, and toji’s veiny shaft was tender from shiu’s touch alone.
shiu grabbed his dick, rubbing his pierced tip against toji’s and they both groaned upon contact.
the plush textures of both swollen cockheads were so tender - as they rubbed against each other, you heard them both quietly groaning.
toji whined though, it was faint but you definitely heard it.
“i’m…literally….still here guys,” you force a grin, your lashes flickering within each blink.
“yes, girl. we know,” shiu murmurs with slight sass in his tone, reluctantly prying away from toji.
they’re both panting like untamed animals—tasting remnants of you on each of their sticky tongues before finally departing. shiu then turns toward you, leaning in, and gives you a head pat. “i think we’ll take it from here.”
with confusion aching near the left lobe of your brain - your brows furrow, staring at the pair and how toji suddenly bends over.
what in the...
“hm, toji. let’s see if your arch is as good as i remember.” shiu cocks his head, rubbing a finger underneath his chin.
toji grumbles before cockily snickering. “it’s better than hers, that’s for damn sure.”
“excuse m-”
“quiet, pretty doll,” shiu interrupts you with a warm smile. he gives you a kiss on the forehead, seeing the invisible question marks pop all around your head before turning back to toji.
“but, oh yeah? let’s see it then, big guy. show the pretty girl how it’s really done.”
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schadenfreudich · 1 year ago
re: people being asexual bc of trauma counting... well. my sexuality is fucked up bc of trauma. i want to fix it. if I claimed queerness just bc of this, then I would claim a queerness that can be healed, and that I want to heal in myself - which would be terrible, and I would be (rightly) kicked out of the community. or my other option woud be to say "hey, do you ever want to be able to enjoy sex without flashbacks? noooo you can't want that if you don't also want to become a homophobe, stop wanting that immediately". so I perfer to just call it a fucked-up-ness, and leave the queer community out of it.
You are free to refer to yourself as anything you want, I don't actually care (not in a bad way, I just don't believe in policing others identities). Sexuality can change and a label can be temporary. If someone has anything negative to say about that, fuck them.
And I don't see how that would be homophobic or even acephobic. You can want things to be different for yourself without believing that's the right thing for everyone, especially when it's trauma related. I used to be a lot more romance-repulsed, completely averse to using the word "love" in any sense, that has changed. I am still romance-averse, I still don't "feel love", that concept doesn't make sense to me. But I'm not going around telling romance-repulsed aromantics they should change that. And I'm assuming you're not doing that to sex-repulsed asexuals.
But I get it, if you want to refer to your fucked-up-ness as such, you can do that. You can also call yourself asexual or caedsexual, even if just for a bit. Or you can just be for a while. It's your sexuality and only you can decide how you or how you don't label your sexuality.
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httpsserene · 7 months ago
Lando smut driveroom after hia dnf🫠🫠
𝐝𝐧𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐲 - 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬
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summary: what goes down in their driver’s room with you after a dnf. content warning: 18+ only. mdni. explicit sexual content. hurt/comfort (in a way). sexual propositions. angry sex (implied). depressed charles. mercedes f1 team slander. sir kink. periods. face-sitting, vaginal sex, masturbation, voyeurism, blowjobs, cunnilingus, shower sex (light or implied). pairing: the grid x fem!reader (1,4,16,44,55,81) genre: drabbles.
from serene: river baby, this one’s for you xxx we all know what inspired this one lmao !!! oh, i will not be doing extended fics for any of these, they are just quick drabbles as a little writing exercise for me! (okay, okay, okay, fine i’ll finish toasty part two i promise it'll be released soon)
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𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧, 𝐦𝐚𝐱 #𝟏
You’ve never found Max’s skill for talking endlessly annoying or draining. In fact, you can recall telling him that hearing him eagerly explain about racing or other topics that interest him is attractive, multiple times. However, you’re not sure if you can withstand much more of him rambling through a retelling of every single lap he raced before he had to retire, looking for any possible point where he could’ve done something different to prevent it. 
The two of you are sitting on his small couch, pressed side to side, and you’re offering small nods of agreement and hums of understanding during his pauses between words that echo in the small private room. His helmet was shoved in a random cubby, his balaclava draped on top of it but, he hasn’t made any other progress in taking off his race gear. His gloves are still covering his hands as he fiddles with the straps around his wrists, his race suit and boots still properly secured, the smell of sweat and gasoline–the scent of man alluring to your nose–the heat of his body radiating against your side instigating the warmth that floods your cheeks, and the sound of his lisp curling seductively around his speech prompting less than pure thoughts as your heart flutters and thighs press together.
Max is unaware of the sudden twist in your thoughts as he verbally attempts to calculate just exactly where he could’ve improved his outcome, his voice rumbly with an undertone of displeasure, when you cut him off.
“Let me make it better,” you offer.
The Dutch driver cocks his head at you, his expression confused and humored, “How can you make my DNF better? I do not think you can go back in time and—”
“No, Max,” you interrupt, teeth tugging at your bottom lip gently, “Let me sit on your face.”
Visibly, you see his breath catch and eyes widen. His mouth opens and closes as he tries to formulate a response, tongue flicking out to dampen his lips as he thinks—before his pupils blow large, and he swallows audibly.
“Oh,” Max starts, finally tugging his gloves off and tossing them to the floor, then moving to undo the strap of his race suit, “That would make it better.”
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𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬, 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 #𝟒
He’s pacing the small length of the room angrily, ranting about his retirement loudly enough that you know it’s seeping through the thin walls. You stare at him with a slightly concerned gaze, getting slightly annoyed as his race suit tied low on his hips threatens to smack you in the face every time he turns around. 
You’re well aware that Lando is quick to anger and brood as he freely makes everyone aware of where the blame needs to be placed. But, the dark and unyielding look in his eyes leads you to believe that he’ll be a little too real to the press today and you would hate to have to deal with a simultaneously enraged and ashamed Lando once he realizes what he said. Then, you’ll have to comfort him as he overthinks his words and doom scrolls through Twitter to see what people are saying about him. You would like to sleep tonight, so you can’t have him embarrass himself today. Thankfully, Lando’s a man, a very simple man at his core. 
You stand up from the couch and pull off his hoodie that you stole. Lando continues to rage and pace, not aware of your movement. You undo the buttons of your shirt, shrugging it off to stand in your bra and jeans. Lando doesn’t notice your state of undress until he spins around to find you topless and shimmying your jeans down your hips.
“Um,” Lando stutters, eyes fixed on your tits, “Why are your clothes off?”
“Get over here and fuck your anger out,” you command, “So when you talk to the press, you don’t say the stupid shit you're telling me now.”
Lando mumbles and pouts offended as he scrambles to lose his race suit, “‘s not stupid shit.”
You roll your eyes and reach out to tug him forward strongly, humming as the length of his body knocks against yours, easily stuffing your hand down his fireproofs and kissing on the meat of his neck, “mhm–I’m sure it isn’t.”
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𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜, 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 #𝟏𝟔
The room is silent as Charles blankly stares at the wall, you’re not sure if he is aware of your hand comfortingly scratching along his back. He only offered words of exhaustion and depression as he slipped quietly into his room and curled next to you as he dissociated from his retirement.
You’ve tried everything. You cooed soothingly, you complained about the result, and you even loudly expressed how terrible you think the car and Ferrari are and he didn’t say a single word. He simply continued to stare at the wall, his suit and helmet still on, visor down, and expression unreadable. Anxiously, you shifted next to him, not used to experiencing Charles this out of it. And suddenly, the idea came to you. Breaking the silence, you suggested giving him head to relieve his stress. Charles said no. Your brow furrowed perplexed at his denial; he’s never rejected a blowjob before. You took it one step further and offered to let him fuck it out of you (you were previously adamant on the “no sex in the driver’s room” rule because sound carries), and you were sure the Monegasque was about to say yes before he shook his head violently like he was forcibly removing the thought, and mumbled something along the lines of, “I don’t deserve it.” 
That is something you will not let slide. Charles doesn’t need to punish himself after he’s already out of the race, but if he won’t allow himself to indulge in you, you’ll strongly encourage him to.
“Okay, Charlie,” you whisper, “If you’re sure.”
He doesn’t zone back in until he hears your whimpers seep into the air, snapping his head to look at you. He finds you with one hand tugging at your nipple and your other hand shoved under your skirt—from the movement, he can guess that you’re two fingers deep. You hear Charles choke audibly and you can’t help but toss your head back and giggle, the laughter turning into a moan of pleasure as your fingers pass over a sensitive spot.
“I-I think–merde,” Charles cuts himself off as he stares at your show, “I think I’ve changed my mind.”
The helmet stays on.
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𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐨𝐧, 𝐥𝐞𝐰𝐢𝐬 #𝟒𝟒
You’re unsure if Lewis is even mad about his retirement. The man seems mentally deranged as he laughs gleefully about ending his race early. Understandably, he is complaining about the bottoming of the car and the hell it’s wreaking on his back–so, maybe the joy is justifiable, your man is…older.
The thing is, Lewis switches from rambling about his back pain to complaining about Mercedes and repeating how he can’t wait for a change in scenery at Ferrari. In the Mercedes motorhome. Loudly. You know he’s doing it on purpose based on the vengeful look in his eyes. He recalls almost every single moment the team dismissed his critiques and suggestions, every single moment they didn’t appear at his podiums, every single moment they thought he wouldn’t leave, every single moment they took him for granted. And, Lewis is more than welcome to express his grievances—but you would still like him to leave on good terms as Toto did promise you a custom G-Wagon (not that Lewis can’t get you one himself; you would just hate to see him ruin his connections).
Lewis also can’t help being hot. He sits comfortably splayed out on his couch, a towel tied loosely on his hips from his shower, chest bare as beads of water fall downwards and get caught in the maze of his toned abdomen, his tattoos become art pieces as you appreciate the sight fully. He continues to partake in his amusing one-man conversation as he clasps his chain around his neck—and you break.
“Let me suck your dick,” you blurt out, cheeks flushing, surprised at your own words, “...sir?”
Lewis pauses, raising an eyebrow at you from where you’re leaning on the room door. 
“Well, I don’t know why you’re still standing over there if that’s what you want. Kneel.”
The sound of your knees hitting the floor sings in the air, “Yes, sir.”
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𝐩𝐢𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢, 𝐨𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫 #𝟖𝟏
Oscar’s already sequestered himself away in his room before you were able to intercept him on his way. The mechanics are lowly gossiping about how mad he was when he pulled himself out of the car and they watch after you in fear as you make your way to your boyfriend.
Oscar? Mad? He’d never take it out on you, there’s no reason for the mechanics to be worried. Except when you enter the room, the vibes are peculiar. Oscar’s calmly folding his race suit, boots tucked away into their proper place, standing in just his fireproofs—they compliment his body well, extremely well. He turns to look at you and there’s a smile on his face as if he hasn’t retired from a race. He opens his arms for a hug, and you hesitate for a moment before fulfilling his request. His arms wrap around you warmly and he nuzzles his face into your hair, pulling back briefly to press a kiss on your forehead before tightening his embrace. It feels more like he’s comforting you than you’re comforting him. He walks the two of you backward to his couch and pulls you down to sit on his lap. 
Somehow, Oscar brightens more, “Hi, baby,” he grins, hands moving to fiddle with the hem of your shirt.
“Uhh, I’m sorry about your race?” Your tone of voice is unsure.
“Oh,” he laughs dismissively, “It happens sometimes–it was listed in the job description.” His right hand slips underneath your shirt as he speaks, moving calmly to tug the cups of your bra down underneath your chest, squeezing lightly at the plush weight in his hand. 
You’re convinced he’s severely concussed, but it doesn’t stop you from arching towards him, your hips rolling forward unconsciously, “Ummm— ‘s there a-anything I can do to help?”
Oscar’s hand draws out of your shirt and halts the grind of your hips in a flash, he coos at you, “Aw, that’s so sweet of you to offer…let me fuck your tits—please?”
What were you going to do, tell him no?
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𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐳 𝐣𝐫, 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐬 #𝟓𝟓
You’re going to slam your head on the corner of the sink and hope it knocks you out. You’ll do it if means the sounds of Carlos’ whining stop. He forcibly pulled you up on the counter of the sink and told you to stay put as he showered so he could talk it out to you.
Naively, you thought the sound of the shower running would muffle his words and you were wrong. On any other day, you would be fine to support him through his complaints but your period is due to start in a couple of days and the irritation and sore muscles are already affecting you. Originally, you were eager to watch Carlos shower—that’s a sight plenty of women and men alike would kill you for. Then, the glass fogged with steam depriving you of something to ogle. And, if there’s one thing a woman is experiencing besides pain, sensitivity, and anger before her period, it’s being horny. You rationalize your thought process as you get undressed; Carlos gets some stress relief and you get to hear moans and grunts of pleasure instead of his huffing, grumbling, and whining. 
You slide the glass door open and closed as you step in the shower, completely bare except for the necklaces, earrings, and anklet with the #55 charm he gifted you randomly, “Carlos, por favor, be quiet.”
The Spanish man’s mouth is agape as he stares at you, frozen in the middle of his motion of scrubbing soap along his arm, “¿Qué?”
You roll your eyes, tugging the soapy cloth out of his hand and setting it on the shower shelf, “There’s better things you could be doing with your mouth.”
Carlos blinks, returning to the present and sinking to his knees in the too-small shower. 
He stares up at you with his big, sweet, lust-drenched, brown eyes, his hair a mess from the spray of the shower, and his voice cracking as he speaks, “Yes, definitely.”
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© httpsserene2024
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leeloooonfire · 7 months ago
based on this post about Steve's internalized bi-phobia:
Steve has known for years.
And how could he not when Tommy's freckles come back tenfold each spring like a flower peaking it's head through the last layer of snow? Or when Matthew Carver's hair have a reddish brown tone that turns blond after they spent the last days before summer break practising outside and remind Steve of liquid gold? Or when he watches Star Wars and Harrison Ford, rugged and witty, comes into view and twists his stomach in knots? How could he not know?!
Steve knows he finds guys as attractive as girls, known for many, many years. But.
But he can't. Not when Tommy sneers at that boy in their literature class who likes flamboyant clothes and wants to be an actor on Broadway. Not when the people they meet in Indi who are like Robin and Eddie 'fully queer' and talk about people like Steve as if they're traitors and scams. Not when he reads the newspaper and is assaulted by Reagan and his folk preaching about the 'fag pandemic' or how his father nods in approval and mutters 'another sinner gone for good' when the news play on TV and they occasionally mention the crisis that kills people like Robin and Eddie and him.
Like him....
It doesn't matter how much he loves sleeping with his nose pressed against Eddie's collarbone or that he thinks he'd like to kiss Eddie and hold his hands and wake up beside him until they're old and wrinkly and complain about bad knees.
He is, but he cannot be a queer, half a fairy '50% like me, 50% like Eddie' as Robin jokes.
He will not be a bisexual, he can keep it inside, keep it hidden, buried deep inside him no matter how much it pains him. He can be the straight friend who goes to pride and bakes rainbow cakes and marries a woman even though his heart screams in an ear ringing cacophony, 'Eddie, Eddie Eddie Eddie!'
This is how his 20s go: loud and hurting and yearning and hiding and more noticeably being disgusted and ashamed of himself for simply being able to love men the way he can love women.
He's 29 when his wife, Becky, leaves him. It's not just Eddie and this shameful secret that weights heavy on their relationship, but the scars and all the other secrets he is unable to explain to her that drive Becky finally away - back to Boston. She leaves him alone in that tiny house they bought three years ago with their Saint Bernard puppy they lovingly named Bernadette.
He's 30 when he goes to a coffee meeting of the bisexual group meeting in Chicago, nearly turning the car multiple times, hands and knees sweaty with fear that they won't want him there. They do want him there, welcome him with open arms, and talk about things Steve knows all too well: 'When I fell in love with the first girl, I ran. I like men just fine, so I hid my crush. It's just easier, when your parents hate gays, when the world is shaming our community, when we're dying.' He finds a second home there, and learns - learns about queerness and bisexuality, about trans and gender non conforming people and physical attraction versus emotional attraction. He learns about his past and present and about his future, about their history and where they want to go, how they want to mold their world to fit people like them into it without the pain and the hiding.
Steve is 33 when he finally comes out to everyone dear to him. To the kids who aren't kids anymore and to Joyce and Hopper, and then his parents. this does not go well, but Steve doesn't want, doesn't need their validation anymore. He has his family, his friends, his support system who love him not regardless of his sexuality but because of it, love him because it's part of him. He comes out to Becky, too and that goes much better. they want to be friends, in the future. She's also met Gary who works the the NY Times and wants her to follow him into the big city. So Steve is looking forward how that goes, their tentative friendship.
He is 34 when Eddie comes back from his latest world tour and wants to take a break to rekindle with his uncle, to write new songs, to take a breather. It's only natural that Eddie moves into Steve's guest room and takes over his space on the couch where he cuddles Bernadette while Steve is in the kitchen and makes them grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner.
Its even more natural when their feet meet while watching a movie and they lean into each other in the kitchen, dawn barely there, while they wait for the coffee maker to finish.
Steve's 35 when Eddie finally kisses him and he kisses back. No hurt, no shame, no guilt gnawing on him, Steve finally allows himself to be with the person he truly wants - regardless of their gender.
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